We were on the beach enjoying the sunset and then began our photo shoot at beach, least aware of "the dark secrets" of the sea.
Amidst all the fun, the darkness spread its wings over the beach and we suddenly realised that we
there was no one at the beach except for us "6 idiots".
The fear took place of happiness and joy.
We were "Lost" and stranded at a lonely place with no human being around.It took us a couple
of minutes to realise that we werenot carrying any cell phone and only source of light was a Sony cybershot camera flash.
We started panicking and started cursing and blaming each other for not carrying the cell phone and staying on the lonely beach after sunset for such a long time.We all knew each other for so long now, but we never had any argument till date, but now we were pushing each other and abusing each other out of panic.
But hey suddenly Sandesh realised it was not due to panic, there was some-thing mysterious in the air.The mist had taken control of our senses we had lost our self control and behaving strange.Being a strong man he slapped Krish and Abhijeet and then we came back to our senses.
Now thing was clear we were in control of some outside "Entity".We started walking fast.
After half an hour we realised that we were still not able to find the end of the beach.We pushed
ourself and again hold our hands and walked for 20 minutes more.
Omkar whose IQ is more than all of us realised a very strange thing that inspite of walking for an hour we were again coming back to the same place where we were lost.He noticed the fort which we made before sunset came twice or thrice on our path when we we had already walked supposedly straight for an hour now.Some bad omen has strucked us for sure.We felt that there was no way out now.
To be continued......
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hmmm... sounds like very filmy....... hope ur not about to narrate ram gopal vermas phoonk2....
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